
Most health Services are provided through AQF clinic at Luxmipur.
now running outpatient department (OPD)only.
Building:Built ground floor with 3 storied foundation
OPD:Run with a senior doctor as Chief OPD services and a GP(medical officer):OPD is for Medicine,Gynecology and surgery ,pediatrics and subbrances including emergency .
1.To attend new patients and follow up of previous patients.Regular follow up of Diabetes ,Hypertension and obstatric patients
2.Routine clinical examination and Random blood glucose from fingure tip
3.Referral for specialist (Viz Surgery,gynaecology ,obstetrics) and emergency and investigations to clinics and hospital in the district which can be reached in 30 minutes.
4.GPs are to see all patient of cold ,corhyza,URTI,Asthma,Pneumonia ,Diarrhoea ,acute Gastrienteroenteritis,abdominal pain of different causes,poisoning like insecticides,minor cut injuries,road accidents,snake bite,drowning etc.


We praise and acknowledge doctors of services at this center.

Dr.Ahmed Amin
Dr.Reshad Falah Nazim
Dr.Harunur Rashid
Dr Zakia Islam
Dr.Rumana chowdhury
Dr.Sarah Nehrina Nazim
Dr.Masuma Akhter
Dr.Ayubur Rahman-Chief OPD

Medical Camp
a)Internal Medicine and Diabetology :
1.Once in every month-Attended by Professor Khwaja Nazim Uddin,a renowned Professor of medicine of the country.
2.Two days :Thursday and Fridays-150-200 patients of different branches of internal medicine
3.Free consultation and medicine including insulin are given as much as possible.

Eye camp
1.Minimum one camp in a year
2.Screening patients for cataract surgery
3.Help people for cataract operation with partial or complete monetary help
4. Eye camp :screening and helping patient at grass root level for cataract surgery
5.Health aid:Monetary help for hospital(admitted),surgical treatment ,OPD treatment as and when necessary .
(Achievement so far/Esteemed activities)
1. Hospital building .-( a three storied foundation )-. With an aim to continuous service for a long time

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